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Conception et synthèse d'antagonistes des récepteurs sérotoninergiques 5-HT3 = Design and synthesis of serotoninergic 5-HT3 receptor antagonistsRampillon-Garcia, Valérie; Langlois, M.1994, 199 p.Thesis

Ultrastructure of the 5-hydroxytryptamine3 receptorBOESS, F. G; BEROUKHIM, R; MARTIN, I. L et al.Journal of neurochemistry. 1995, Vol 64, Num 3, pp 1401-1405, issn 0022-3042Article

Impact of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists on peripheral and central diseasesFAKHFOURI, Gohar; RAHIMIAN, Reza; GHIA, Jean-Eric et al.Drug discovery today. 2012, Vol 17, Num 13-14, pp 741-747, issn 1359-6446, 7 p.Article

CYP2D6- and CYP3A-Dependent Enantioselective Plasma Concentrations of Ondansetron in Postanesthesia CareSTAMER, Ulrike M; LEE, Eun-Hae; RAUERS, Neele I et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 2011, Vol 113, Num 1, pp 48-54, issn 0003-2999, 7 p.Article

A cytoplasmic region determines single-channel conductance in 5-HT3 receptorsKELLEY, Stephen P; DUNLOP, James I; KIRKNESS, Ewen F et al.Nature (London). 2003, Vol 424, Num 6946, pp 321-324, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

Distribution of [3H]GR65630 binding in human brain postmortemMARAZZITI, Donatella; BETTI, Laura; GIANNACCINI, Gino et al.Neurochemical research. 2001, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 187-190, issn 0364-3190Conference Paper

5-HT3 receptors and the neural actions of alcohols : an increasingly exciting topicLOVINGER, D. M.Neurochemistry international. 1999, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 125-130, issn 0197-0186Article

Effect of pulverization on dehydration behavior of crystals of GK-128, a serotonin3 receptor antagonistITO, S; KOBAYASHI, Y; NISHIMURA, M et al.Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 1996, Vol 85, Num 10, pp 1117-1122, issn 0022-3549Article

Immunological characterization and transmembrane topology of 5-hydroxytryptamine3 receptors by functional epitope taggingMUKERJI, J; HAGHIGHI, A; SEGUELA, P et al.Journal of neurochemistry. 1996, Vol 66, Num 3, pp 1027-1032, issn 0022-3042Article

Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride injection in various beveragesWEERANUJ YAMREUDEEWONG; DANTHI, S. N; HILL, R. A et al.American journal of health-system pharmacy. 1995, Vol 52, Num 18, pp 2011-2014, issn 1079-2082Article

Ondansetron-Induced Muscular Contractures in Malignant Hyperthermia-Susceptible IndividualsJOHANNSEN, Stephan; ROEWER, Norbert; SCHUSTER, Frank et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 2012, Vol 115, Num 4, pp 925-928, issn 0003-2999, 4 p.Article

Multiple opioid receptors mediate the hypotensive response induced by central 5-HT3 receptor stimulationFREGONEZE, J. B; OLIVEIRA, E. F; RIBEIRO, V. F et al.Neuropeptides (Edinburgh). 2011, Vol 45, Num 3, pp 219-227, issn 0143-4179, 9 p.Article

Palonosetron Exhibits Unique Molecular Interactions with the 5-HT3 ReceptorROJAS, Camilo; STATHIS, Marigo; SLUSHER, Barbara et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 2008, Vol 107, Num 2, pp 469-478, issn 0003-2999, 10 p.Article

The pronociceptive effect of ondansetron in the setting of P-glycoprotein inhibitionSCOTT, Jason A; WOOD, Margaret; FLOOD, Pamela et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 2006, Vol 103, Num 3, pp 742-746, issn 0003-2999, 5 p.Article

New antiemetic drugsROILA, F; FATIGONI, S.Annals of oncology. 2006, Vol 17, issn 0923-7534, ii96-ii100, SUP2Conference Paper

Gramisétron et radiothérapie = Granisetron and radiotherapyLa Revue Prescrire. 1997, Vol 17, Num 170, pp 96-97, issn 0247-7750Article

Clinical pharmacokinetics of ondansetron. A reviewSIMPSON, K. H; HICKS, F. M.Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 1996, Vol 48, Num 8, pp 774-781, issn 0022-3573Article

Antidepressant-like effects of SR 57227A, a 5-HT3 receptor agonist, in rodentsPONCELET, M; PERIO, A; SIMIAND, J et al.Journal of neural transmission. 1995, Vol 102, Num 2, pp 83-90, issn 0300-9564Article

Does Ramosetron Reduce Postoperative Emesis and Pain after TKA?IN JUN KOH; CHONG BUM CHANG; JEON, Young-Tae et al.Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2012, Vol 470, Num 6, pp 1718-1727, issn 0009-921X, 10 p.Article

The relationship between dosing of alosetron and discontinuation patterns reported by patients participating in a follow-up programmeTENNIS, P; ANDREWS, E; HICKMAN, P et al.Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2007, Vol 25, Num 3, pp 317-322, issn 0269-2813, 6 p.Article

Patterns of serotonin- and 2-methylserotonin-induced pain may reflect 5-HT3 receptor sensitizationGIORDANO, James; GERSTMANN, Hannah.European journal of pharmacology. 2004, Vol 483, Num 2-3, pp 267-269, issn 0014-2999, 3 p.Article

Anaphylactic reaction to ondansetronWEISS, Kenneth S.Archives of internal medicine (1960). 2001, Vol 161, Num 18, issn 0003-9926, p. 2263Article

Effects of 5-HT3 receptor agonists on voluntary ethanol intake in rats maintained on a limited access procedureDYR, W; KOSTOWSKI, W.Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford). 1997, Vol 32, Num 4, pp 455-462, issn 0735-0414Article

Hypersensitivity reactions associated with 5-hydroxytryptamine3-receptor antagonists : a class effect ?KATAJA, V; DE BRUIJN, K. M.Lancet (British edition). 1996, Vol 347, Num 9001, pp 584-585, issn 0140-6736Article

An electrophysiological investigation of the properties of a murine recombinant 5-HT3 receptor stably expressed in HEK 293 cellsGILL, C. H; PETERS, J. A; LAMBERT, J. J et al.British journal of pharmacology. 1995, Vol 114, Num 6, pp 1211-1221, issn 0007-1188Article

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